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Business International:

Managing Cross-Cultural Differences

Examples of Cross-Cultural Differences

Societal, Institutional, and Value Differences between Chinese and Americans

Adapted from "Bridging US-China" Cross-Cultural Differences Using Internet and Groupware Technologies", Zhouying Jin, Robert M. Mason, and Peter P. Yum, 1998


Societal and Institutional Differences




Ethnic Culture

  • Centered around "relationships"

  • "Reclusive", each minding his/her own business (especially with "strangers" and people outside of the relationship network)

  • Centered around "individuals"

  • "Messianic": "let's save the world"

Source of Trust

Trust those around you; don't "lose face" and credibility by failing to live up to written or oral agreements

Trust the contract; don't get into legal hassles by not fulfilling the agreement

Business Culture

Quiet and reserved; clumsy communicators

Outspoken; eloquent; effective communicators

Negotiation Style

Group decision; final say by the "boss"

More individual authority and distributed decision making

Dealing with Business Counterparts

Indirect; courteous; take things personally; long memory for both favors and humiliations

Direct; more matter-of-factly; memory for conflict superceded by business objective

Ability to Make Immediate Response



Value Differences





"Relationship" comes first

"Economics" comes first

On "Humility"

"Humility" viewed as a virtue

"Humility" is a sign of weakness; there is every reason for the abled to be proud

Time Horizon

Accountable by the generation (~30 years)

Accountable by the quarter (~3 months)

What Commands Respect

Respect for seniority, wisdom, ability

Respect for success, achievement, wealth

On "Family"

Children should learn to respect the elder, love the young, and rely on the "extended family"

Children should learn to be independent

On "the Strong" and "the Weak"

It is not righteous to bully

It is an honor to win; business is all a competition; it is only natural that the weak is preyed on by the strong

Discipline (in following procedures and schedules)


Depends on the individual

Tolerance of Diversity / Openness to Alternative (possibly opposing) Ideas

Openly - very receptive; but actually, less so

More open

Shame or Humiliation

Long memory; need and urge to exonerate

Tends to be superceded by business priorities


Mixed: business, individual, factional, nationalistic, and political

Almost strictly business

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