Ten3 Business e-Coach


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Master of Business Synergies

MBS (slide show)

12 MBS e-Courses

Venture Management

Venture Financing

Venture Investing

Venture Strategies

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Business Development

Winning Organization

Strategic Partnerships

Sustainable Growth

Continuous Improvement

Systemic Innovation

Cleaner Production

MBS in Project Management

Order In-house MBS Training

Managing Start-Up Ventures


Hi-Tech Startups (slide show)

Building-up High-Growth Business

Gestation Phase

Start-Up Phase

Pilot Phase

Roll Out Phase

Venture Planning

Start-Up Capital Formation Process

12 Key Reasons Why Start-Ups Fail

Milestone-Based Operations

Start-Up Business Plan

Business Plan: Why, What, & How

Raising Venture Capital

Marketing and Selling

Intellectual Property Strategies

Sustaining Corporate Growth

Building-up High-Growth Business

Growth Phase

Expansion Phase

Maturity Phase

Inclusive Company

Enterprise Strategy

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Balanced Business Systems

Business Strategy

Venture Strategies

Managing Change

Cross-Functional Teams

Effective Competing

Competitive Strategy

Differentiation Strategy

Building Strategic Partnerships

Managing Innovation

Continuous Innovation

Business Space

Innovating versus Operating

Systemic Innovation

Innovation Strategy


Technological Vision

Technology Strategy

Kaizen and Innovation

Exploiting Opportunities

Customer Partnership

Radical Innovation

Radical vs Incremental Innovation

In-company Ventures


Moving with Speed

Fast Thinking

Fast Decision-making

Launching a Crusade

Fast to Market

Innovation System

Leading Innovation

Innovation Process

Sustainable Innovation Organization

Emerging Business Model

Relentless Growth Attitude

Learning Organization

Teaching Organization

Coaching Organization

Centerless Corporation

Cross-Functional Teams

Knowledge Management

Idea Management

Managing Tacit Knowledge

Managing Knowledge Workers

Managing Intellectual Assets

IPR Primer

IP Guide for SMEs

Technology Transfer

Model Agreements

Technology Commercialization

Venture Pathways

Alternative Pathways

Discovering Yourself

Unlocking Your True Potential

Developing a Grand Vision

Goal Setting

Success Secrets

80/20 Principle

How To Be a Winner

How To Be More Creative

Changing Yourself

Dealing with Failure

Using Feedback Constructively

Decision Making

Problem Solving

Knowing Yourself and Others

Understanding Mental Maps

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


Your Interpersonal Skills

Building Relationships

Influencing People

Establishing Rapport

Establishing Trust




Asking Effective Questions

Body Language

Making Presentations

Effective Meeting


Conflict Resolution

Managing Cultural Differences

Your Entrepreneurial Skills


Be a Negative Optimist

Deal-Killer Personality

Leadership Attributes

Cross-Functional Excellence

Team Building & Teamwork



Staying Alive

21 Success Secrets of Millionaires

Management & Leadership

Establishing Institutional Excellence

Vision, Mission, and Goals

Knowledge-Based Enterprise

7S Model

Corporate Culture

Entrepreneurial Organization

80/20 Theory of the Firm

Organizational Fitness Profile

Employee Empowerment

Effective Management

New Manager for the New Economy

New Management Model

Managing by Objectives (MBO)

Strategic Management

Mastering Corporate Strategy

Performance Management


Classic Manager's Tasks

Setting Objectives and Planning

Organizing the Group

Motivating and Communicating

Measuring Performance

Developing People

Effective Leadership

Leadership versus Management

Managerial Leadership

Results-Based Leadership

Volatility Leadership

Values-Based Leadership

Principle-Centered Leadership

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Situational Leadership

Leading Innovation

Employee Empowerment


Leading Self-Leaders

Project Management

Traditional Approach

New Business SynergiesApproach

Strategic Project Management

Radical Project Management

Key Documents & Forms

Ten3: Managing Projects Online

Venture Financing & Investing

Introduction to Venture Financing

Venture Capital Basics

Venture Funding Stages

Alternative Financing

Venture Map to Financing

Types of Finance: Debt versus Equity

Raising Funds for Start-Up Venture

Alternatives to VC Funding

Investment Selection Criteria

Venture Presentation

Business Plan Evaluation

Due Diligence

Business valuation

Valuation Quantification Techniques

Structuring the Deal

Venture Investing

Business Angels

Corporate Investing

Corporate Investing through VC Firms

Improving Efficiency & Sales

Managing Value Chain

Leveraging Service-Profit Chain

Continuous Improvement Firm

Managing Quality

Total Quality Management

Lean Production

Just-in-Time (JIT)

Six Sigma

Cleaner Production

Life Cycle Assessment

Design for Environment

Cleaner Production

Environmentally Sound Technologies

Winning and Retaining Customers

22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Customer's Perception of Quality

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Partnership


Fundamentals & Catalysts

Business Environment

Business Ecosystem

Business Enablers

People Power



New Economy

Knowledge Enterprise

Managing Knowledge Workers

Business Incubators

Business E-ncubators

Key Business Documents

Model Agreements and Contracts

Business Plan

SWOT Analysis

Milestone chart

Cash Flow Analysis & Forecast

Corporate Reporting: Three-Tier Model

Founder - Vadim Kotelnikov. © Copyright by Ten3 East-West.  | Copyright | Glossary | Links | Site Map |

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