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NLP Technology of Achievement

Setting Your Goals

Knowing What You Want

by Victoria Kozlova and Vadim Kotelnikov 

"You can have anything you really want but you cannot have everything you want"

Effective Goals are:

  • Stretching, but

  • Achievable

Some Criteria for Setting Your Goal1

  • What personal qualities or skills do you need to accelerate your business or personal success right now?

  • What obstacle (internal or external) is preventing you from achieving what you want?

  • If you had it, what quality or skill would benefit you and the other key people in your life, whether at work or at home?

  • What have you observed or heard or sensed in others that you wish you had for yourself?

  • What is something that when you consider the possibility of having it you feel really excited or emotional, i.e. what is something to which you already feel really attached, something that is compelling in its attraction for you?

Defining What You Want

Defining what you want is the critical first step in almost any situation.

What Goals are Worth Achieving?

Goals worth achieving are mission-oriented goals. Channeling your grand vision into a specific direction and action makes the difference between being an idle dreamer and being a person with a mission.

"The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another" - Alexander Graham Bell

Case in Point: 25 Lessons from Jack Welch

Jack Welch, the former legendary CEO of General Electric, urged everybody to stretch. Stretch targets energize.  "We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible; and even when we don't quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done."...More

Case in Point: Kentucky Fried Chicken

Why Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants are always packed? "They have outlets all over the world, and they are successful because set a goal and achieved it: they have persuaded people to got there to eat. They are a global brand because they can be trusted to deliver predictable nourishment conveniently and at fair value - and they keep their promise. The very nature of business and branding is that you keep your promise to the customers




  1. "NLP Solutions", Sue Knight, 2001

  2. "Ways of NLP", Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott, 2001

  3. "NLP Technology", Harry Adler, 2001

  4. "NLP - the New Technology of Achievement", Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner, 2001

  5. "The NLP Coach", Ian McDermott and Wendy Jago, 2001

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