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Change Management:

Knowing People

Resistance to Change

Understanding and Overcoming Human and Organizational Barriers

by Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder, 1000ventures.com

"It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end."  - Leonardo da Vinci


Resistance to Change in the Workplace: Main Reasons

  • Fear of the unknown. Change implies uncertainty, and uncertainty is uncomfortable. Not knowing what may potentially happen often leads to heightened anxiety. Resisting change is one of the anxiety-reducing actions.1

  • Fear of failure. The new order may require skill and abilities that may be beyond our capabilities. There is resistance to trying a new approach as people know how to operate in the existing order, but fear they will  not be able to the new skills and behavior that will be required of them.

  • Disagreement with the need for change. Associates may feel that the new direction is a wrong direction.

  • Losing something of value. All associates want to know how the change will affect them. If people believe they will wind up losing as a result of the change, they will resist.

  • Misunderstanding and lack of trust. People resist change when they do not understand its implications and perceive that it might cost them much more than they gain. Such situations often occur when trust is lacking between the person initiating the change and the employees.2

  • Inertia. Change requires effort, oftentimes, a significant one. So, don't underestimate the power of fatigue and burnout.

Overcoming Resistance to Change: Most Common Ways2

  • Education and communication

  • Participation and involvement

  • Facilitation and support

  • Negotiation and agreement

  • Manipulation and co-optation

  • Explicit and implicit coercion

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach:

Change Management

The Wheel of Business Evolution

Why Resistance to Change?

Most people don't like change because they don't like being changed. When change comes into view, fear and resistance to change follow - often despite its obvious benefits. People fight against change because they:

  • fear to lose something they value, or

  • don't understand the change and its implications, or

  • don't think that the change makes sense, or

  • find it difficult to cope with either the level or pace of the change.3

Resistance emerges when there s a threat to something the individual values. The threat may be real or it may be just a perception. It may arise from a genuine understanding of the change or from misunderstanding, or even almost total ignorance about it.




  1. "Managerial Leadership", Peter A. Topping, 2002

  2. "What Leaders Really Do", John P. Kotter, 1999

  3. "Performance Management", Phil Baguley, 2001

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