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Problem Solving

Instant Payoff Coaching

Building Coachee's Problem-Solving Skills in 10 Minutes

Adapted from "The Tao of Coaching", Max Landsberg, 1997

"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem."  - Theodore Rubin



Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach:


Problem Solving

When To Use It

You can use the instant payoff coaching technique when you don't have the time or knowledge to complete a full coaching session and really build your coachee skills, but you do want to help him or her to complete the task in question or solve a specific problem.

How To Use It

  1. Ask the coachee to describe the current issue or problem:

    • small amount of relevant background

    • specific examples

  2. Ask the coachee to describe the desired outcome:

    • the description should be as specific as possible

    • don't try to solve the problem, but note down any emerging ideas

  3. Jointly list all the obstacles/blocks that lie between the current situation and the desired outcome. Sort them into three groups:

    1. Blocks that exist in the coachee (inadequate attitude, low motivation, lack of skill/knowledge, etc.)

    2. Blocks that exist in others (inadequate attitude, lack of capabilities/resources, etc.)

    3. Blocks that exist in the situation (inadequate resources, tough deadlines, etc.)

  4. Jointly brainstorm ways around these obstacles/blocks, and the steps to success. Select and agree the final approach, actions and timing.



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