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Success Secrets:


Decision Making

The Art, Science, and Practice


by Vadim Kotelnikov & Ten3 East-West

"If you are not confused, you are not well informed"


The Classic Approach to Decision Making

  1. Define the objective

  2. Collect relevant information

  3. Generate feasible options

  4. Make the decision

  5. Implement and evaluate

Four Psychological Types of Decision-Makers

  1. Intuitives - led by intuition; concentrate on the possibilities; avoid the details and tend to look at the bigger picture.

  2. Thinkers - are analytical, precise, and logical; process a lot of information, often ignoring the emotional or feeling aspects.

  3. Feelers - are interested in the feelings of others; dislike intellectual analysis and follow their own likes and dislikes; enjoy working with people and are capable of great loyalty.

  4. Sensors - see things as they are ; have great respect for facts; have an enormous capacity for detail and seldom make errors; are good at putting things in context.

Confirm Your Values before Making Decisions

  1. Choose to be principle-based! How often do you allow fleeting circumstances to influence your choices?

  2. Choose to be deliberate! What mission are you pursuing right now?

  3. Choose to be dedicated! How does your mission benefit from your current task?

Decision Making Tips

  • Where possible, build into your plans time 'to sleep on it', so as to give your inner brain an opportunity to contribute

Decision-Making Defined

Decision making is a process of first diverging to explore the possibilities and then converging on a solution(s).

Recognizing Impact of Your Beliefs and Values

Beliefs are the assumptions we make about ourselves, about others in the world and about how we expect things to be. "These assumptions determine the way we behave and shape our decision-making process. They are often based on emotions rather than facts. We tend to notice 'facts' that reinforce our beliefs."7...More

Understanding Different Styles of Decision-Making

There are many models for understanding and characterizing the styles of interaction different people prefer to employ. According to the widely used Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), people are divided into thinkers and feelers:

  • A Thinker tends to use reason and logic

  • A Feeler tends to use values and subjective judgment...More

Making Quick Decisions through Establishing Guiding Principles

Fast companies that have demonstrated the ability to sustain surge and velocity all have established sets of guiding principles to help them make quick decisions. Abandoning theoretical and politically correct 'values' and bureaucratic procedures in favor of a practical, down-to-earth list of guiding principles will help your company make the decision-making process much faster. Only one question will need to be asked of any proposed course of action: Does it fit our guiding principles?1...More

Using Fuzzy Logic in Innovation Projects

While the situations that fuzzy logic addresses are ambiguous, fuzzy logic itself is a very defined methodology. New business leaders use the managerial equivalent of fuzzy logic to address the ambiguity of the fuzzy front end.

Technology leaders have an analogous form of logic that they use to address the ambiguity of the fuzzy from end...More


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