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Business Communication

Effective Meeting

How To Plan and Run

by Vadim Kotelnikov & Ten3 East-West

Functions of the Meeting

  • Rapid decision making

    - bringing together key people to discuss and resolve issues

  • Disseminating information

    - to pass information on to the staff and encourage staff involvement and ownership

  • Fostering internal changes

    - to overcome resistance to change such as new corporate direction, policies, or procedures

  • Responding to external changes

    - to exchange information and pass the knowledge on to decision makers from different departments

  • Exchange of ideas and experience

    - to develop new approaches to solving of longstanding problems

  • Developing teamwork

    - to help to develop mutual respect and understanding amongst the participants by involving them in a cooperative process

Types of Meeting

  • Informative / Advisory

    • both to give and receive information

    • to coordinate activities

    • to record progress towards stated goals

  • Consultative

    • to resolve objections

    • to involve people in change or a new course of action

    • to get to know people, as a means of fostering greater understanding between colleagues

  • Problem-Solving

    • to consider all possibilities and create ideas

    • to value the ideas and identify feasible options

    • to chose course of action and initiate that action

  • Decision-Taking

    • to generate commitment

    • to take decisions

    • to share responsibility

    • to initiate action

  • Negotiating

    • to create an agreement or contract

    • to find the best solution / a mutually agreeable compromise

Five Rules for Effective Meetings

  1. Pass out an agenda at least one day in advance; encourage people to add new items to the agenda prior to the meeting

  2. Set time for the meeting; begin an end on time

  3. Stick with the agenda and the targeted functions - to make decisions, to disseminate information, to foster internal changes, to respond to external changes, to exchange ideas and experiences, or to develop teamwork. Allow time for discussion, but stay on the topic.

  4. Invite people to speak out their opinion. Silence does not necessarily means consent.

  5. Record decisions and action assignments, preferably so that everybody could see them on a big screen. Summarize the action list at the end of the meeting. Check the action list for completion at the next meeting.

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach

Managing Creativity in Your Business Environment


Idea Management

Turning Staff Meetings Into a Creative Process

A typical staff meeting is the most blatant example of an uncreative process. At such a meeting, its leader unwittingly fails to ask for creative ideas, even at the most opportune points. A formal, professional atmosphere is combined with a meeting agenda to keep people "focused," or "on track." In such meetings, now freewheeling occurs. "Why meet in the first place if you don't take advantage of the group's unique creative potential? One person's question or comment can easily stimulate another's imagination -  if you ask for imaginative thinking. Thus no business meeting should reach it's end without the leader asking for creative ideas."1



  1. "Creativity", Alexander Hiam, 2002

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