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Developing Yourself:

Achievement Management

Continuous Learning

How People Learn and Grow through Learning

by Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder, The first-ever BUSINESS e-COACH for Innovative Leaders, 1000ventures.com

"If you want to earn more - learn more."  - William J.H. Boetcker


Three Objectives of Learning

  1. To cope

  2. To improve

  3. To have fun

The Cycle of Learning from Experience2

  1. You do or experience something or get a feedback

  2. You think about or reflect on it, question it, review the experience

  3. You draw some conclusions about it and generalize it.

  4. You decide what to do next time and experiment with the plan

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach:



You learn from experience.

Learning by Doing

"The richest seam for learning is the real opportunities, issues, difficulties and successes that people have. There is no need to separate learning and doing."3 The didactic approach - first you learn and then you do it - and didactic training which companies spend their money on makes little difference if it not combined with real time development, i.e. bringing about learning and change at the same time - not separating the two. "Most people learn far more from working with their own reality, the 'here and now' and how they want to change this, although it can be very challenging. In comparison, the didactic approach is comfortable and, because of the lack of challenge it is relatively boring and tends to be fundamentally disempowering."3

Learn from Feedback


Look for Learning Opportunities








  1. "How To Be Better at Delegation and Coaching", Tony Atherton, 2000

  2. "Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development", Kolb D.A., 1984

  3. "Making a Difference", Bruce Nixon, 2001

Founder - Vadim Kotelnikov. © Copyright by Ten3 East-West.  | Copyright | Glossary | Links | Site Map |

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