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Your People Skills:

Effective Listening

Active Listening

Second Title

by Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder, The first-ever BUSINESS e-COACH for Innovative Leaders, 1000ventures.com

"Quote"  - Author


Techniques of Active Listening1


  • Repeat key words as an encouragement and confirmation that you have heard and understood.

  • Paraphrase: Briefly play back what has been said but in your own words to confirm your listening and check your understanding.

  • Encourage: Use simple phrases to encourage. 'Go on,' 'And then what?'

  • Ask for clarification: Stop the speaker when you lose the thread of the argument or do not understand and ask for clarification.

  • Express sympathy: Reflect the speaker's feelings, show that you understand them without necessarily agreeing with them.

  • Summarize the main points and any discussions taken at the end of a topic. This is more than paraphrasing as you are providing a summary of a section.


  • Send open body language signals: Use nods and smiles to signal encouragement or agreement. Have a relaxed body posture. Lean forward slightly but do not invade the speaker's personal space.

  • Use the right amount of eye contact: Avoiding eye contact suggests you are uninterested. Staring is threatening. Move your point of focus around between they eyes and the bridge of the nose.

  • Listen to emotions: Listen to the tone and how things are said, not just what is said. The tone conveys more message than words.

  • Use silence: Allow the speaker time to think. Let him or her end the silence most times. This also prevents you from rushing in with inappropriate reactions just to fill the silence.

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach:

Asking Effective Questions






  1. "How To Be Better at Delegation and Coaching", Tony Atherton, 2000

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