Mastering Body Language: Key
Objectives1 |
to carry greater
to develop effective powers of
to improve
interpersonal skills
to make more effective
to sell more
to be more assertive and learn how to control others
to reduce negativity in
to spot hidden agendas in conversation
to enhance your carrier prospects.
Body Language: Two Core
Questions |
What signals are you sending to others about yourself?
What emotional feedback are you giving others in
response to the signals they are sending to you?
Body Language:
Kinds of Signals3 |
Open: exposes the heart and
Close: defends the heart and
appears standoffish and sometimes aloof.
Why Body Language?
Body language can help you get on not, just because you may
look the part, exude confidence and act assertively, but because you can
look beyond what people say to what they really mean.
What Your Body Is Saying
"Body language accounts for more than half of what other
people respond to and make assumptions about when they connecting with you.
And more often than not, you're not consciously thinking about it. By
becoming conscious, you're 50 ahead of the game."3
Your Attitude Is Infectious and
Drives Behavior
attitude is the first thing people pick up on in
face-to-face communication.6
Just as laughing, yawning, and crying are infectious, attitude is infectious.
Before you say a word, your attitudes can infect the people who see you with the
same behavior. Somehow just by looking or feeling, you can be infected by
another person's attitude, and vice versa... More
Open and Close Signals
With your body language, "you're constantly saying either,
"Welcome, I'm open for business," or, "Go away, I'm closed for business."
You may be showing that you are an opportunity or a threat; a friend or a
foe; confident or uncomfortable; telling the truth or spouting lies."3
When you are operating from inside a really useful
such as enthusiasm, curiosity, and humility, your body language tends to
take care of itself and sends out unmistakable signals of openness.
"Nonetheless, there things you can consciously do to make sure you're
showing your best face. If you want to show that you're open for business, a
friend and not a foe, without saying a word, you have to open yourself up to
the world in the first second of every encounter. Open body language -
together with open facial expressions - includes uncrossed arms and legs,
ease in facing the person, good eye contact, smiling, standing or sitting
erect, leaning forward, flexible shoulders, and a generally relaxed aura.
Open body language makes expressive use of hands, arms, legs, and feet."3
Synchronizing Body Language
People who are in
rapport unconsciously synchronize their body language and their vocal
characteristics. "When you deliberately synchronize your body language with
another's, amazing connections can happen. Our response to synchronization
is a function of our predisposition to reciprocate behavior. It's hardwired
into the human brain."3
in Point: Synchronizing Body Language
During a radio interview with Nicholas Boothman, the author
of several books describing the body language synchronizing phenomenon, the
host told him, "I read your over the weekend. On Sunday night, my husband
took me out to dinner, so I decided to try out your synchronizing exercise
with someone in the restaurant to see what would happen. I was a little
She went on to explain that sitting about three tables away
was a slightly older couple. The woman was more or less facing in her
direction, but they never made eye contact. "For about twenty minutes I
gently synchronized her overall body language and posture. When she moved, I
moved; when she shifted her weight from one elbow to the other, I followed.
I did it all without ever looking directly at her. And then an incredible
thing happened. The woman got up from the table and came over to me. 'Excuse
me,' she said, 'but I'm sure I know you.' I was blown away."3