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Developing Yourself:

People Skills

Effective Communication

The Art, Science, and Practice

by Vadim Kotelnikov & Ten3 East-West

"You can't not communicate. Everything you say or do or don't say and don't do sends a message to others" - John Woods


Knowing Yourself and Others

Personal Goals

Mental Maps

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Body Language

Cross-Cultural Communication

Face-to-Face Communication


Effective Listening

Listening to Emotions

Active Listening Techniques

Asking Effective Questions

Business Communication

How To Make Winning Presentations

Effective Negotiating

Managing Cultural Differences

How To Write Well


Body Language Face-to-Face Communication 1000ventures.com

The Four Main Goals of Communication

  1. To inform - you are providing information for use in decision making, but aren't necessarily advocating a course of action

  2. To request for a specific action by the receiver

  3. To persuade - to reinforce or change a receiver's belief about a topic and, possibly, act on the belief

  4. To build relationships - some messages you send may have the simple goal of building good-will between you and the receiver

Effective Communication:

  • Achieves shared understanding

  • Directs the flow of information

  • Helps people overcome barriers to open discussion

  • Stimulates others to take action to active goals

  • Channels information to encourage people to think in new ways and to act more effectively

KFC - the Three Aspects of Successful Communication7

  • Know what you want

  • Find out what you are getting

  • Change what you do until you get what you want

The 10 Essentials of Effective Communication

  1. Know your audience and match your message to the audience.

  2. Respect your audience and suspend judgments.

  3. Know exactly what you want to achieve.

  4. Think and organize before you proceed.

  5. Think from your audience point of view.

  6. Be mindful of what you face and body are conveying nonverbally.

  7. Listen carefully to all responses.

  8. Be willing to share what you know and hear what you don't know.

  9. Stay focused on what you want to achieve and don't get distracted.

  10. Find a way to get your audience to explain what they think you said. Discuss differences until you hear a satisfactory version of the message you wanted to convey.

Attitude Is Infectious and Drives Behavior

Your attitude is the first thing people pick up on in face-to-face communication.6 Just as laughing, yawning, and crying are infectious, attitude is infectious. Before you say a word, your attitudes can infect the people who see you with the same behavior. Somehow just by looking or feeling, you can be infected by another person's attitude, and vice versa. When you are operating from inside a really useful attitude, such as enthusiasm, curiosity, and humility, your body language tends to take care of itself and sends out unmistakable signals of openness...More

Effective Speaking

Perhaps the greatest single stumbling block to real communication is the one-sided nature of speaking. Most of us think of "communicating" as a one-way process. Two monologues do not make a dialogue, however. Exchange between you and your targeted prospect is the key to effective communication. So, listening is an active pursuit for selling your ideas.

What makes people listen? The three basic factors are:

  1. Self-interest;

  2. Who's speaking; and

  3. How they say it.

Understanding the basic principles of how we communicate and why we listen - what works, what doesn't, and why - starts you on the road to a realistic appraisal of what you want to say and how you plan to say it...More

Effective Listening

Often we have too much difficulty listening to other people because3:

  • we "know" what we are going to hear;

  • we are seeking confirmation, not information;

  • what's being said is getting in the way of what needs be said...More

Non-verbal Communication

Communication is not just about the words you use. In fact, you communicate more with your gestures and expressions, your body language. "Start to notice your body language, and other people's and see how much you can pick up about what someone saying just by watching them."1...More

NLP Solutions: How To Prevent Misunderstanding

Rapport is the first step in good communication. We are all excellent communicators - and still we are misunderstood, for we are not only gifted and creative communicators, we are also gifted and creative receivers. A sender cannot decide what the signal will actually mean to the other person, only what they would like it to mean. When you mean one thing and the other person shows you by their response that they have a different meaning, nobody is wrong and nobody is to blame.

How misunderstandings can be prevented? This is usually done by paying attention to the other person's response. The responses you get give you valuable pointers about what to do next. One NLP presupposition sums this up: "The meaning of the communication is the response you get".

Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges

Culture is often at the root of communication challenges. Exploring historical experiences and the ways in which various cultural groups have related to each other is key to opening channels for cross-cultural communication. Becoming more aware of cultural differences, as well as exploring cultural similarities, can help you communicate with others more effectively. Next time you find yourself in a confusing situation, ask yourself how culture may be shaping your own reactions, and try to see the world from the other's point of view...More

Taking the Preferred Styles Into Account

To work effectively with people, take their preferred style of interaction and decision-making into account. Many misunderstandings derive from differences in style. For example, "Perceivers" may see "Judgers" as unwilling to take the time to explore creative options. Conversely, "Judgers" can become irritated by "Perceivers" who may stray from the agenda...More

Understanding Mental Maps

A Mental Map is a powerful way of expressing the though patterns, pictures and associations that already exist in the brain. Different people take in the world through different senses. People have different preferred ways of thinking and communicating their experiences - some express themselves in pictures, others talk about how things sound to them, and others speak about how things feel. If you want to connect with them, you have to figure out which sense they favor...More

Creating Rapport

"To create rapport, it is important to mirror, match, and pace the person or persons with whom you are communicating."3 Rapport is a process of building a sustaining relationship of mutual trust, harmony and understanding. It is essentially meeting individuals in their model of the world...More




  1. "Super Communication the NLP Way", Russel Webster, 2000

  2. "Understanding Body Language", Geoff Ribbens and Richard Thompson, 2000

  3. "101 Ways To Generate Great Ideas", Timothy R.V. Foster, 2001

  4. "Simplicity - The New Competitive Advantage in a World of More, Better, Faster", Bill Jensen, 2000

  5. "Secrets of Power Persuasion for Salespeople", Roger Dawson, 2003

  6. "How To Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less", Nicholas Boothman, 2002

Founder - Vadim Kotelnikov. © Copyright by Ten3 East-West.  | Copyright | Glossary | Links | Site Map |

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