Attitudes are the established ways of responding to people and
situations that we have learned, based on the
beliefs, values and assumptions we
hold. Attitude become manifest through our behavior.
Attitude Drives Behavior
Attitudes are
Attitude Is Infectious
Your attitude is the first thing people pick up on
in face-to-face communication.1
Just as laughing, yawning, and crying are infectious,
attitude is infectious. Before you say a word, your attitudes can infect the
people who see you with the same behavior. Somehow just by looking or feeling,
you can be infected by another person's attitude, and vice versa. When you are operating from inside a really useful attitude,
such as enthusiasm, curiosity, and humility, your
body language tends to take care of itself and sends out unmistakable
signals of openness.
Attitude Motivation
Attitude motivation is about how people think and feel. "It
is their self-confidence, their belief in themselves, their attitude to life
- be it positive or negative. It is how they feel about the future and how
they react to the past."2