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Performance Management:

Effective Motivation

Attitude Motivation

Setting up an approach that promotes personal growth and purpose

by Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder, Ten3 Business e-Coach for Innovative Leaders, 1000ventures.com

"An ounce of appreciation is worth a pound of money."  - Sir Ian Bancroft


Three Rules of Motivational Coaching3

  1. Help the coachee to understand consciously his/her current level of motivation

  2. Help the coachee to fashion a really convincing vision of how well he/she could perform

  3. Support the coachee in his/her efforts through praise and coaching

Strategies for Meeting the Social and Esteem Needs of Team Members2

  1. Treat team members as individuals

  2. Be sincere with praise

  3. Promote participation

  4. Make the work interesting

  5. Promote cooperation and teamwork

  6. Provide growth opportunities

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach

Knowing Yourself and Others

The Power of Attitude

Performance Management

Incentive Motivation

Energizing Employees

Relentless Growth Attitude

Attitude Motivation Defined

Attitude motivation is about how people think and feel. "It is their self-confidence, their belief in themselves, their attitude to life - be it positive or negative. It is how they feel about the future and how they react to the past."4

The Power of the Relentless Growth Attitude

Establishing an attitude of relentless growth is what enables an organization and its people to achieve their goals. The spirit of relentless growth keeps fresh ideas flowing and reinvigorates your company...More

Energizing Employees

"What energizes people is the broader horizon, the excitement of new challenges and big opportunities. When their leaders offer this excitement, people come alive."5

The one-on-one relationships that individual workers have with their managers, and the trust, respect, and consideration that their managers show toward them on a daily basis are also at the core of an energized workforce. "Getting the best out of workers is above all a product of the "softer" side of management - how individuals are treated, inspired, and challenged to do their best work - and the support, resources, and guidance that is provided by managers to help make exceptional employee performance a reality."6...More

Providing the Strategic Direction

The logic, uniqueness and discovery that make your strategic intent come to life are vitally important for employees.  They have to understand, believe and live according to it.

Strategy should be a stretch exercise, not a fit exercise. Expression of strategic intent is to help individuals and organizations share the common intention to survive and continue or extend themselves through time and space.

Creating New Avenues for Growth

In the modern flat organizations where opportunity for growth through promotion are limited, new managers level the playing field by creating new avenues for growth. They help employees find the right fit, create heroes in each role, and continuously provide their people with feedback on their performance. They also allow their employees to assess whether or not they are in a role that maximizes their individual talents. "Employees who are in roles that allow them to do their best each and every day are engaged to their companies and give their company the cutting edge in today's increasingly competitive market."

Case in Point: Monsanto

Monsanto was established in 1901 as a chemical giant. During 1995-97, it was undergoing a transformation to prepare itself for the twenty-first century and become a life sciences company. Robert Shapiro, the CEO of Monsanto, talks about the personalized conversations as perhaps being more important to the company's success than any other single factor: "Through a series of formatted small group conversations (as opposed to traditional workshops), employees are encouraged to discuss the transformation into a life sciences company - the nature of the strategic business opportunities, what it requires for Monsanto to succeed, the desired culture, how to work together, the personal transitions required, and so forth. The idea is to address the issues at the personal level, and thus, create the desired sense of passion in each employee."1

Case in Point: 25 Lessons from Jack Welch

Lead: The genuine leader is someone who can express a vision and then get people to carry it out. Create a vision and then ignite your organization to make this vision a reality. Get people so passionate about what they are doing that they cannot wait to execute this plan. Have great energy, competitive spirit and the ability to spark excitement and achieve results...More

Case in Point: Silicon Valley: The Fun Factor

Do you really want to know what is deep inside, at the core of Silicon Valley and what makes is tick? "The truth is ... it's a ball! Hard work combined with hard play - at every level, from executive down and back up again."  People don't only work hard, but also have a lot of fun at the same time. And they are not just having fun, but planning it and making it part of their culture. This is the spirit that truly enables relentless innovation and creates innovation-adept culture.


  1. "The Centerless Corporation", by Bruce A.Pasternack and Albert. J. Viscio, 1998

  2. "Companies Don't Succeed - People Do!", Graham Roberts-Phelps, 2003

  3. "The Tao of Coaching", Max Landsberg, 1997

  4. "Motivate to Win", Richard Deny, 2002

  5. "Every Business is a Growth Business", Ram Charan and Noel. M. Tichy, 1998

  6. "1001 Ways To Energize Employees", Bob Nelson, 1997

Founder - Vadim Kotelnikov. © Copyright by Ten3 East-West.  | Copyright | Glossary | Links | Site Map |

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