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Business Development:

Sustainable Growth

Effective Competing

The Art, Science, and Practice

by Vadim Kotelnikov & Ten3 East-West

"Everyone has a talent. What is rare is the courage to nurture it in solitude and to follow the talent to the dark places where it leads" - Erica Jong


Seven Deadly Skills of Competitive Excellence

by James Essinger & Helen Wylie

  • Know yourself

  • Know your customer

  • Outsmart your competition

  • Make your staff your evangelists

  • Learn to enjoy solving customer's problems

  • When it comes to marketing - think first, spend later

  • Learn the tactics of competitive warfare

Five Ways to Survive Competition

by Prof. Peter J. Buckley, Leeds University Business School

  1. Have clear goals: Never lose sight of your ultimate objective even when the pressure is immense and the competition is gunning for you.

  2. Look at all options: One should realize that there is always more than one approach to a problem. Ensure that you evaluate all the alternatives and don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  3. Perception: Pay equal attention to those above you and below you. Be sensitive to the messages emanating from the top boss as well as those from the shopfloor.

  4. Find ways to manage stress: A stressed individual can't be quick on his feet. Be it music, yoga or watching World Cup cricket, devise your own stressbuster.

  5. Respect your business environment: Be very sensitive to cultural differences. Don't unnecessary offend people. Realize that people have different set of values in every part of the world.

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

80/20 Theory of the Firm

Role of IPR in the Promotion of Competitiveness of Enterprises

Mastering Your Competitive Strategy

Competitive War Games

Your Competing Skills


Competition and Innovation - an Inverted U Relationship

The Essence of Competition

Competition is all about value: creating it and capturing it. A fundamental rule in crafting a competitive strategy is to view competition from the other player's viewpoints.

Todays' Era of Hypercompetition

Hypercompetition is a key feature of a new economy.Not only is there more competition, there is also tougher and smarter competition. "Hypercompetition"5 is a state in which the rate of change in the competitive rules of the game are in such flux that only the most adaptive, fleet, and nimble organizations will survive.

New customers want it quicker, cheaper, and they want it their way. The fundamental quantitative and qualitative shift in competition requires organizational change on an unprecedented scale. In this new economy, competitive advantages must constantly be reinvented, and organization becomes the fundamental source of distinctive capabilities.

Your Differentiation Strategy

"What this new competition is often able to exploit is the fact that buying behavior isn't just about people and income, it's also about how dissatisfied consumers are with present alternatives."6 Choosing among multiple options is always based on differences, implicit or explicit, so you ought to differentiate in order to give the customer a reason to chose your product or service. Thus, "differentiation is one of the most important strategic and tactical activities in which companies must constantly engage. It is not discretionary."6 The concept of being unique or different is far more important today than it was ten years ago. The key to successful competing is differentiation...More

80/20 Law of Competition

80/20 Principle helps you to direct your attention where the real threat of competition exists. According to the 80/20 Principle2, over time, 80% of the market will tend to be supplied by 20% of the suppliers. But the world wouldn't rest long in the 80/20 equilibrium. There are always changes to market structure caused by competitors' innovations.

The 80/20 Theory of the Firm can also be used to break you business down into competitive segments in order to examine its profitability. A competitive segment is a part of your business where you face a different competitor, or different relative competitive positions. "Thinking about competitive segments lobs you straight at the most important way to split and think about your business".2 The most profitable segments where your company is also well positioned, and that are also attractive markets - they are growing, have high barriers to entry for new competitors, have more demand than capacity, face no threat from competing technologies, and have high bargaining power vis-a-vis customers and suppliers, - need to be grown most aggressively.

Competition Through Innovation

With the enormous competition markets today are driven by choice: your targeted customers have too many choices, all of which can be fulfilled instantly. Competition through innovation, supported by your differentiation strategy, is thus more important than price competition. If your enterprise allows itself to lag behind in the race to generate new or improved goods and services, and better ways to produce and run them, you are putting your future on the line.

Competitive Strategy

To be successful today, your company must become competitor-oriented. You must pursue the right competitive strategy - avoid strengths of your competitors and look for week points in their positions and then launch marketing attacks against those weak points4...More


  1. "Competitive Manufacturing Management", John M. Nicholas, 1998

  2. "The 80/20 Principle", Richard Koch, 1998

  3. "Extreme Management", Mark Stevens, 2001

  4. "The Power of Simplicity", Jack Trout, 1999

  5. "Hypercompetition", Richard D'Aveni, 1994

  6. "Differentiate or Die", Jack Trout with Steve Rivkin, 2000

Founder - Vadim Kotelnikov. © Copyright by Ten3 East-West.  | Copyright | Glossary | Links | Site Map |

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