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MBS e-Course:

Business Development

  High-Growth Business Development

The Stage-by-Stage Guide


by Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder, Ten3 Business e-Coach for High-Growth Firms, 1000ventures.com

When all else fails, read the instructions  - Cahns axiom


Gestation Inception Pilot Stage Roll out Rapid Growth Expansion Maturity

Managing the Five Risks you face at all stages of your business development:

  1. growth risk

  2. technology & production risk

  3. marketability & competing risk

  4. financial risk

  5. team & management risk

Turn Risks into Opportunities





- the company is broadening production lines, focusing on the main product; management style transition from informal to formal

Organization: Centralized

Management:  Hybrid formal/informal

Technology: Developed, focused

Funding Stage: Second






Growth Risk:

  • Your capabilities in maintaining perspective (reality vs. euphoria), balancing today's and tomorrow's needs, and coordinating resources are being tested

  • The original route to success works for some time, but then it stops working so well and hits diminishing returns. It is nor easy to keep a great new venture to grow at its original rate for more than 3 to 5 years. If you continue doing the same things that made you successful during the start-up stage you are almost certain to fail.

  • Thinking about your second stage of growth before the first has happened. Reinventing your business model, experimenting extensively to find a successful new model and get to the second stage of growth

  • Besides creating a viable model, a critical factor in the ultimate success is how well and fast your company integrates

  • Development of a flexible and responsive company structure adaptable to changing internal and external conditions

  • Development of an effective and flexible production systems responsive to change (see slide show)

  • Building strategic alliances and business partnerships (see slide show)


Technology & Production Risk:

  • Early success with a single application or product line does not translate into long-term viability in the face of well-capitalized, entrenched competitors with strong customer relationships

  • New technology and products development draws significant resources from the fast growing business operations

  • Identification of strategic market intervention areas

  • Development of the business and technology strategy to achieve this goal

  • Top management participation

  • Development of strategic technology development partnerships (see slide show)



Marketability & Competing Risk:

  • Poor market feedback

  • Poor strategic marketing plan

  • Growing backorders

  • Competitors "knockoffs"

  • Customer complaints; product returns or write-offs

  • While managing growing complexity, it essential to remain focused on how the business provides value to its customers

  • Fighting fires

  • Research into the market and its trends

  • Reinventing market development strategy



Financial Risk:

  • High leverage

  • Short-term financing

  • Inventory shortages or imbalances

  • Poor financial & tax strategy for generating cash

  • Excessive increases in overhead and personnel

  • Operating costs reduction through optimization of production systems

  •  Raising of working capital (second round) to support strategic growth plans (see slide show)


Team & Management Risk:

  • Start-up spirit starts to fade

  • Organizational boundaries are mounting; employee gradually lose perspective on each other's jobs

  • People lose the big picture: they can no longer see how the various tasks, activities and functions fit together to achieve the organization's overall purpose

  • Employees start to identify more with their own unit or work group than with the company as a whole

  • As boundaries become more rigid, the company loses its elasticity - it's ability to change in response to (or anticipation of) changes in the external environment

  • No strategic and contingency planning

  • Shifting priorities in response to opportunities

  • Resisting development of structure, processes and controls

  • Hiring people who are no smarter than you are

  • Key people leaving

  • Others don't share your urgency

  • Poor decision support systems

  • Overridden and inadequate internal systems, non-responsive to customers & employees

  • Conflict between formal and informal

  • Emergence of the "Peter Principle"

  • Difficult decisions about roles, authority & responsibility

  • Keeping pace with an increasingly complex business environment requires proper delegation, better communication, and cross-pollination of perspectives from outside advisers and peers

  • Managing as a team

  • Addressing the problem of "good people" who can't keep up

  • Establishment of management systems enabling better control, transparency, and customer relationships

  • Development of employee empowerment mechanisms

  • Development of formal professional management structures

Автор - Вадим Котельников. Tен3 Восток-Запад  | Copyright | Glossary | Links | Site Map |

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