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Modern Management:

New Management Model

Leadership versus Management

by Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder, The first-ever BUSINESS e-COACH for Innovative Leaders, 1000ventures.com

"Manage things... lead people" - Admiral Grace Hopper

Be Different and Make a Difference! Synergy

New Management Model New Management Model New Economy: Key Features Management - the Traditional Model Managerial Leadership Classic Manager's Functions Planning Decentralization and Delegation Measurement and Control Effective Leadership Coaching Corproate Vision, Mission, and Strategies New People Partnership Attitude Motivation Employee Empowerment Free Ten3 Business e-Coach at 1000ventures.com

Synergy between Your Leadership and Management Roles

  • Leadership role: to provide inspiration, create opportunities, energize people, and make key choices

  • Management role: to make things happen and keep work on track; to supervise endless details and engage in complex interactions that are routinely part of any development

What Drives Others to Carry out Your Will

  • If you are a manager: WHAT you are

  • If you are a leader: WHO you are and what you DO

Leadership - Going Beyond Manager's Tasks

Manager's tasks:

Leader's extra tasks, in addition to manager's tasks :

  • forming a vision which provides people with a bridge to the future

  • inspiring, encouraging, and energizing people, arousing their willing and enthusiastic support to the common task at hand

  • empowering people to pursue the common course of action

Differences Between What Leaders and Managers Do




Create opportunities

Control risks

Seek opportunities

Enforce organizational rules

Change organizational rules

Seek and then follow direction

Provide a vision to believe in and strategic alignment

Control people by pushing them in the right direction

Motivate people by satisfying basic human needs

Coordinate effort

Inspire achievement and energize people

Provide instructions

Coach followers, create self-leaders, and empower them

On which Side You're more Comfortable when You're in Charge?








playing safe
















Doing things right

Doing right things

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach:

Modern Management

Traditional Management Model

New Management Model

Managerial Leadership

Inclusive Leadership

Strategic Leadership

Results-Based Leadership

Volatility Leadership

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Values-Based Leadership

Principle-Centered Leadership

Situational Leadership

Superleadership - Leading Others to Lead Themselves

GE Leadership Effectiveness Survey

Case Studies

Jack Welch, CEO, General Electric


Integrity - the New Leadership Story

A Huge Difference

Do you wand to be a leader or a manager? You need to make a choice as there is a huge difference. "The world is full of managers and desperately short of leaders - real leaders."6

Today's World Realities

In today's new economy, the old ways of management no longer work and will never work again. The magnitude and pressure of environmental, competitive, and global market change we are experiencing is unprecedented. It's a very interesting and exciting world, but it's also volatile and chaotic. You cannot address these new challenges with more of the same management solutions - successful change requires leadership.

Psychological research has shown that "under circumstances of uncertainty or unusual challenge and difficulty, people look for help in understanding questions about what matters, what to do, what direction to take, and what they should not do. Providing people with the answers that help them with these difficult questions is the essence of leadership."5

Leading Change

Leadership is about getting people to abandon their old habits and achieve new things, and therefore largely about change -  about inspiring, helping, and sometimes enforcing change in people. "While there can be effective management absent ideas, there can be no true leadership".4

So, To Lead or To Manage?

You need both. The old proverb says that leadership is doing the right thing; management is doing things right. The difference between the two is not as sharp as the saying would suggest, and both are required for effective corporate growth: leadership risk creates opportunities while management strictness turns them into tangible results.

However, "if your organization is not on a journey don't bother about leadership - just settle for management", advises John Adair.


"There is a direct correlation between the way people view their managers and the way they perform."1

Strong leadership is imperative for shaping a group of people into a force that serves as a competitive business advantage".1

Case in Point: 25 Lessons from Jack Welch

Jack Welch's goal was to make General Electric (GE) "the world's most competitive enterprise." He knew that it would take nothing less than a "revolution" to transform that dream into a reality. "The model of business in corporate America in 1980 had not changed in decades. Workers worked, managers managed, and everyone new their place. Forms and approvals and bureaucracy ruled the day." Welch's self-proclaimed revolution meant waging war on GE's old ways of doing things and reinventing the company from top to bottom.

Jack Welch is all about leadership, not management. Actually, he wanted to discard the term "manager" altogether because it had come to mean someone who "controls rather than facilitates, complicates rather than simplifies, acts more like a governor than an accelerator." Welch has give a great of thought to how to manage employees effectively so that they are as productive as possible. An he has come to a seemingly paradoxical view. The less managing you do the better off your company. Manage less to manage more.

Welch decided that GE's leaders, who did too much controlling and monitoring, had to change their management styles. "Managers slow things down. Leaders spark the business to run smoothly, quickly. Managers talk to one another, write memos to one another. Leaders talk to their employees, talk with their employees, filling them with vision, getting them to perform at levels the employees themselves didn't think possible. Then (and to Welch this is a critical ingredient) they simply get out of the way."7 ...More




  1. "Extreme Management", Mark Stevens, 2001

  2. "The 80/20 Principle", Richard Koch, 1998

  3. "Relentless Growth", Christopher Meyer, 1998

  4. "Leading Change", James O'Toole, 1996

  5. "The Leadership Crash Course", Paul Taffinder, 2000

  6. "Leading at the Edge of Chaos", Emmett C. Murphy and Mark. A. Murphy, 2003

  7. "Jack Welch and the GE Way", Robert Slater, 1999

  8. "The Welch Way", Jeffrey A. Krames, 2002

Founder - Vadim Kotelnikov. © Copyright by Ten3 East-West.  | Copyright | Glossary | Links | Site Map |

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