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Performance Management:

Effective Leadership

Situational Leadership (SL)

Adapting Your Leadership Style to Specific Situations and People

by Vadim Kotelnikov with J. Kenneth Boggs

"Leadership is an action, not a word" - Richard P. Cooley


Two Postulates of Situational Leadership

  1. Leadership activities should be tailored to the readiness of those being led

  2. It is desirable for the leader and the business to develop people toward the objective of doing their work independently.

Competence and Commitment Defined1

  • Competence is a function of knowledge and skills, which can be gained from education, training and/or experience.

  • Commitment is a combination of confidence and self-motivation. Confidence is a measure of a persons self-assuredness a feeling of being able to do a task without much supervision, whereas motivation is a persons interest in and enthusiasm for doing a task well.

Leader's Behavior1

  • Directive Behavior involves: clearly telling people what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, and then closely supervising their performance.

  • Supportive Behavior involves: listening to people, providing support and encouragement for their efforts, and then facilitating their involvement in problem-solving and decision-making. 

Leadership Styles1

  • Directing Style is for people who lack competence but are enthusiastic and committed. They need direction and supervision to get them started.

  • Coaching Style is for people who have some competence but lack commitment. They need direction and supervision because they are still relatively inexperienced. They also need support and praise to build their self-esteem, and involvement in decision-making to restore their commitment.

  • Supporting Style is for people who have competence, but lack confidence of motivation. They do not need much direction because of their skills, but support is necessary to bolster their confidence and motivation.

  • Delegating Style is for people who have both competence and commitment. They are able and willing to work on a project by themselves with little supervision or support.

Related Chapters of the Business e-Coach:

Situational Leadership Perceived Positively and Negatively

Managerial Leadership

Leadership versus Management

Strategic Leadership

Results-Based Leadership

Volatility Leadership

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Values-Based Leadership

Principle-Centered Leadership

Superleadership - Leading Others to Lead Themselves

Selecting an Appropriate Coaching Style: the Skill / Will Matrix

Leadership Styles

Your leadership style is how you behave when you are trying to influence the performance of others. It is the way you supervise or work with someone.

The are four leadership styles (but there is no one best leadership style):

  1. Directing

  2. Coaching

  3. Supporting

  4. Delegating.

Depending on your employees' competences in their task areas and commitment to them, your leadership style may vary from one person to another. You may also lead the same person one way sometimes and another way at other times. Use a variety of leadership styles in directing and supporting the work of others and make them a second nature to you in your roles as a manager and as a parent.

Using the Skill/Will Matrix

If you assigned a task to someone and the job does not quite get done well enough, one of the most likely reasons is that:

  • you have delegated the task to someone who is unwilling - or unable - to complete the job, and have then remained relatively uninvolved or 'hands-off', or

  • you may have been too directive or 'hands-on' with a capable person who was quite able to complete the assignment with little assistance from you; you just ended up demotivating him/her.

Consequently, whether you are managing, or leading, or coaching, it is critical to match your style of interaction with the coachee's readiness for the task. The Skill/Will Matrix will help you do this...More

Situational Leadership and Possible Misunderstandings

by J. Kenneth Boggs

There are four SL styles: telling, selling, participating and delegating. Telling is appropriate for those least ready to work independently and delegating for those most ready.  As those who are being led grow towards independence, the leader must progress through all of the SL levels. Leaders who do not match their style to that of those being led make it impossible for those being led to grow towards independence.

Leaders are also challenged to deal with the possibility that their leadership may be perceived in a negative light. A leader who ignores either the possibility of negative perceptions, the actual occurrence of negative perceptions or the justification for negative perceptions is living in denial. The leader who lives in this denial is climbing out on a  limb; the longer the denial goes on, then the further out on that limb the leader climbs. Eventually the limb may break and down will come the leader. This approach is risky and not recommended.

In summary, SL describes how leaders interact with those being led. This interaction depends on the readiness of those being led, which changes. Thus it is essential that leaders monitor the readiness of those being led and adjust their leadership style accordingly.

Misunderstandings may occur and must be dealt with. This always means an adjustment on the leaders part.

Last, people are sensitive about a leaders priority is the primary focus of the work for the benefit of those led or is it for that of the leader. When the primary focus is perceived to be first for the benefit of the leader, many undesirable negative behaviors are energized on the part of those led and further growth toward independence suspended.

On the other hand, when the primary focus of the work is perceived to be first for the benefit of those led, the greatest energy is given to the work and growth towards  independence. This then frees up the leader to do other work and thus to become an even more effective leader.

Situational Leadership Perceived Positively and Negatively

by J. Kenneth Boggs

People can perceive your different situational leadership styles both positively (focus on others and their benefits) and negatively (focus on self and for the benefit of self)...More



  1. "Leadership and The One Minute Manager", Kenneth Blanchard, 2002

  2. "Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources", Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, 1977

  3. "The Tao of Coaching", Max Landsberg, 1997

  4. "Situational Leadership and Possible Misunderstandings", J. Kenneth Boggs, 2003

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