Understanding the Innovation System - Unlocking
the Black Box
The Innovation System1 model
synthesizes and defines the core elements of innovation, their behavior and
interaction. The power of this good model makes it easier to understand
complex issues and dynamics of innovation, separate its elements and examine
them is greater depth. It establishes a framework that helps you to
demystify the the innovation process and its driving forces, to reveal the
unique innovation practices of market champions and understand what makes
them so successful and unique.
Managing Innovation versus Managing Operations
Managing innovation is quite different from
managing operations. Managing uncertainty inherent in innovation requires
specific tools and thinking. Innovation is a learning process, the product
of which is new applied knowledge. Operations is an established process driven by
existing knowledge.1 Operations generate today's value, while
innovation creates tomorrow's opportunities. The most important
differentiation between operations and innovation is uncertainty...
Innovation-Adept Culture
Establishing the
culture of
innovation requires a broad and sustained effort. Though changing a
company's culture is
never easy, with the right
leadership, cultures can be reshaped and amazing results can accrue.
Establishing an
attitude of relentless growth is
what enables an organization and its people to achieve their goals. The
spirit of relentless growth keeps fresh ideas flowing and reinvigorates your
Thus, "the primary challenge
facing market leaders is to institutionalize an environment where every
decision and direction can be constantly and safely reassessed"3...More
& Management
Knowledge workers thrive on leadership, but they have an
increasingly low tolerance for being managed.
New managers should balance motivational leadership,
coaching, and sound business
management to keep all these independent thinkers pointed in the same
direction and working towards the same goal...More
Strategic alignment is the process of linking
innovation strategy
with corporate vision,
goals, objectives, and
Rapid innovation requires an effective
innovation process. "The process of
innovation is a rhythm of search and selection, exploration and synthesis,
cycles of divergent thinking followed by convergence"1...
Organization & People
Establishing an
attitude of relentless growth is
what enables an organization and its people to achieve their goals. The
spirit of relentless growth keeps fresh ideas flowing and reinvigorates your
Innovation Metrics
Innovation metrics motivates managers and leaders across your
organization to embrace innovation
broadly and give it ongoing priority. The adage "that which gets measured
gets done" is no less true of the innovation
process than any other. Once innovation goals are broadly communicated
rewards for achieving milestones are established, the pace of ideas to
implementation accelerates. Sustainable
growth is the result...More
High-growth companies use
equity, phantom stock, and royalties as a way of sharing the wealth
generated by new technologies.
Instead of actually giving
people stock in the company, you give them a promise to pay them a cash
bonus at some future point equal to a certain percentage of the company's