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Creating new great businesses to fuel corporate growth and reinvent the company

MBS e-Coach by Vadim Kotelnikov, GIVIS, and Ten3 East-West

"It's not the big that eats the small... it's the fast that eats the slow"

Why MBS in Venture Strategies?          MBS Introduction (slide show)          Order In-house MBS Training

Click here to order MBS training course Business Development Strategic Partnerships Venture Management Venture Financing Sustainable Growth Systemic Innovation Venture Strategies Venture Investing Winning Organization Entrepreneurial Leadership Continuous Improvement Cleaner Production  

The concept document:

Venture Strategies - a Source of Corporate Growth and Sustainable Competitive Advantage




Setting Your Goals

NLP - the Technology of Achievement

Success Secrets

How to be a Winner

Dealing with Failure

Building Your Cross-Functional Excellence


Decision Making

Effective Communication


Winning Presentations

21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

Your Business

Venture Strategies (slide show)

In-Company Ventures


Corporate Venture Investing

Venture Acquisitions

Strategic Management

Corporate Vision, Mission, and Goals

Balanced Approach to Business Systems

Mastering Corporate Strategy

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Strategic Planning

Innovation Strategy

Systemic Innovation

Developing Technological Vision

Developing Technology Strategy

Strategic Innovation: Road-Mapping

Radical Innovation

Radical Innovation vs. Incremental

Managing Projects as Business Systems

Winning and Retaining Customers

The Law of Leadership

Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Alliances

Joint Ventures

Mergers & Acquisitions

Case Studies

Opportunity-driven Business Development

Searching for and Exploiting Opportunities

Discovering Opportunities

Competitive Strategies


Competitive War Games

Positioning - How To Get Heard

Moving with Speed

Fast Thinking

Fast Decision Making

Fast to Market

Managerial Leadership

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Venture Management

Innovation Management

Managing Innovation by Cross-functional Teams

SWOT Analysis for New Ventures

Managing Knowledge Workers

Managing Creativity

New Product Development

New Product Design

Test Marketing New Products


Attitude Motivation

Incentive Motivation

Sample Agreements & Contracts


Corporate Venture Strategies In-company Ventures Spinouts Corporate Venture Investing Venture Acquisitions Operational Excellence Corporate Sustainable Growth Strategies Incremental Innovation vs. Radical Innovation Continuous Improvement Firm (CIF) Quality Management Siz Sigma Mergers and Acquisitions Joint Ventures Moving with Speed

In-company Ventures Spinouts Managing Projects as Spinouts Strategic Alliances Corporate Venture Investing

Why MBS in Venture Strategies?

In the new innovation-driven and rapidly changing economy, competitiveness of large corporations depends on their venture strategies. For today's corporations, traditional internal expansions, efficiency improvements and acquisitions are no longer sufficient sources of growth. The most successful companies are those that have developed aggressive venture strategies. In ventures, large and midsized companies can discover a source of growth they are striving to achieve. New business creation has become central to achieving strategic and financial objectives of market champions. "Silicon Valley wouldn't exist if big companies could identify technology and market opportunities and move with speed to capitalize on them", says Mike Moritz of Sequoia Capital Partners.

To achieve their growth objectives, market leaders need now not just classic corporate managers, but venture managers as well. The MBS on Venture Strategies helps venture managers to get prepared for creation of a new great business and manage this business through different stages of its maturity.




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